Saturday, October 26, 2019

General John Kelly when are you going to apologize to Congresswoman Frederica Wilson?

APACHE JUNCTION AZ (IFS) -- The coward General John Kelly keeps hiding behind Donald Trump's dress as he comes out of the darkness to express his warning to Trump before he left his office that he would be "impeached".

Kelly is so brave, yet he can not find the time or the courage to face one little Congresswoman Frederica Wilson from Florida and tell her that he is sorry for lying to the American people about her.

It's so easy to become a real hero in America, by simply saying that you made a terrible mistake and lied about Congresswoman Wilson's position.  But you will not, and you will die a bastard and a liar and your stars will be forever tarnished with shame and your legacy will be remembered as an "empty barrel" who bullied women, and I'm sure that you beat your wife several times a month with unkind words and threats.

General Kelly, you and the empty barrels' comments will never go away.  They are still here and will be waiting for you until hell freezes over.  You will not be remembered as a great person, only a liar, and a bully.

 Go save your lying ass president with your "after-the-fact" words that fall on deaf ears, and no one cares about your "warnings".  Retired generals are worthless as tits on a boar hog.

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