Thursday, September 21, 2017

Namibia??? Been there many times Mr President

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1:20 PM PDT [Edited]
Who was it that talked about the US having "57 states" and described "Charleston and Savannah as Gulf ports?"

1:20 PM PDT
Come on, give Angry Pumpkin a break. You can't expect a white nationalist to know about those dark countries. Besides, he clearly meant to say Narnia.

1:19 PM PDT
"I had a farm in Nambia" --Isak Dinesen

Fast Eddie61
1:17 PM PDT
He is a true ignoramus - but his supporters love him for that very reason. Isaac Asimov:

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”

1:15 PM PDT
Kyrgyzstan to Namibia: We feel your pain.

Fast Eddie61
1:10 PM PDT
Then after he talked about Nambia (also known as Nambia-Pambia) he continued by talking about the size of his inauguration crowd (biggest ever), how Obama wire-tapped his phone at Trump Tower, and his plans to build a big, beautiful wall and have Mexico pay for it.

Pamela Katz
1:07 PM PDT
By the time Trump has had a year or two in office, perhaps he will have achieved the history and geography competency levels of an 8th grader.

1:07 PM PDT
Trump can go covfefe himself in Nambia and never come back for all I care.

Jacqueline von Hettlingen
1:06 PM PDT
How embarrassing for the US, that its president can't strict things out before he speaks to the world. But what can we expect from a buffoon like Trump? Perhaps Namibians should rename their country in honour of Trump - getting the status of America's most favoured nation in Africa.
"Nambia" is a catchier name. It is also convenient, to confuse the world, especially when Namibia has been accused of doing murky business with Pyongyang - manufacturing arms for North Korea.
People don't know the map of Africa. Hearing "Nambia" people would think of ZAMBIA, which shares a tiny border with NAMIBIA.

Pamela Katz
1:13 PM PDT
Well, his supporters refer to the US as 'Murica'.

Fast Eddie61
1:15 PM PDT
President Liar doesn't even know which continent Namibia is on.

1:06 PM PDT
Trump went on to wish a happy St. Patrick's Day to Iceland, buy chocolate in Swaziland, and order his generals to bomb Sorth Korea.

Eek A Moose
1:09 PM PDT
Liberia had better hope there's no more anti-US violence in Libya during Trump's presidency.

Pamela Katz
1:00 PM PDT
I'm surprised he didn't congratulate that other wonderful African country, showing economic growth and potential, Narnia. Didn't his boys go there recently to hunt lions?

Eek A Moose
1:07 PM PDT
Nambia is a fine country, but stay away from Pambia.

12:59 PM PDT
Fake News...Obama made tons of Gaffes and where was the WaPO to report on them? 'Nothing to see folks just move along'.

1:01 PM PDT
Remember "Navy Corpse Men"?

1:02 PM PDT
Good one!

Fast Eddie61
1:05 PM PDT
What exactly is "fake" about this news? The article is quoting exactly what President Liar said. There's nothing fake about it.

Yes, Obama made a few mistakes. Presidents talk a lot - they're bound to misspeak sometimes. But there is no comparison between Obama's intellect and President Liar's abysmal lack of anything approaching intelligence. None.

1:08 PM PDT
Answer---It is not news! You answered your own question by saying 'Presidents are bound to misspeak sometimes'. Why is this 'news' when, by your own admission, Obama's 'misspeaks were not?

Fast Eddie61
1:13 PM PDT [Edited]
You called this "fake news." Which it isn't. It's news because at a UN address Trump displayed his abysmal ignorance not once - but twice.

And Obama's "misspeaks," as you call them, were indeed news and they're constantly being regurgitated whenever Trump does something stupid - which is pretty much every day.

12:58 PM PDT
Sweeeett hoooome Nambia - oh wait - that was Alabama - sorry

12:58 PM PDT
"We cannot have prosperity if we're not healthy."
This truism, spoken by a man who is trying his best to dismantle the only pathetic attempt to bring health care coverage to his own people, disturbs me far worse than the mis-pronouncement of a country name. This political neophyte clearly has never heard about that country prior to that moment, does not really know where it is or what it stands for, and really does not care.

12:56 PM PDT
When Obama, sleep deprived and on the road while campaigning, tried to say they had been to 47 states and he mistakenly said 57, this was used for YEARS by every TeaPublican blab-radio "host" as evidence Obama didn't know there were only 50 states.

I guarantee Fox nation and all these "hosts" will attempt to flip this one around and portray Trump as the victim of liberal bashers for a slip of the tongue.

Consistency of principles is not the Right's forte.

12:57 PM PDT [Edited]
He didn't just say 57 states. He said 57 states with 4 more to go. He must have been really exhausted. Or just poorly educated.

12:58 PM PDT [Edited]
Thanks for illustrating my point.

My point stands.

1:00 PM PDT [Edited]
And, you're wrong. Here is the quote:

"“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit
but my staff would not justify it.”"

He was clearly just thinking out loud about how much ground had been covered and what potentially could be left to go. The rightwing blabbers turned it into a cottage industry.

Eek A Moose
1:00 PM PDT
Wrong. He said visited 57, with 1 to go and 2 his campaign wouldn't let him go to. Making 60 total, which makes it all the more understandable that "fifty" seven was intended to be "forty" seven.

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