Sunday, August 04, 2019

Trump's Bullhorn Rhetoric Slashes at US Cities, FBI Calls Q anon Domestic Terrorists

APACHE JUNCTION AZ (IFS) -- As the Grand Old Party self-implodes, Donald Trump keeps up the pressure of hate and discontent that has come full circle into the public's domain with the name-calling and just blatant disregards for American Citizens in all parts of the country.  

The FBI has listed Q anon as a Domestic Terrorist Group that President Trump loves to have at his rallies.  Qanon members love to cause fistfights and the spreading of untruths and lies about the Democrats at all of Trump's meetings.  GOP Will Hurd has tossed in the towel and will not run in 2020. 

U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings says he scared away home intruder; Trump tweets about the incident, saying ‘Too bad!’

U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings said Friday that he scared away an intruder who broke into his Baltimore home last weekend by confronting and yelling at the man.

President Donald Trump alluded to the incident with a new tweet Friday morning: “Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!”

Police previously said only that the home in West Baltimore’s Druid Heights neighborhood was burglarized on the morning of July 27. The burglary occurred just hours before Trump, a Republican, began a dayslong Twitter attack on the Democratic congressman and the city of Baltimore that continues to dominate headlines and cause ripples in political circles.

In response to queries, Cummings issued a statement Friday morning to The Baltimore Sun.

This writer does not see it that way.  It appears to be a 'fake break-in" to plant electronic devices into Cummings home.

It is hard to keep up the same old speech about what the president is saying or tweeting today.  Hurd is the canary in the coal mine and Texas's Kathy Ponce is thankful that Hurd is not going to run again because he is just a RINO - Republican in name only - and he did not carry the party line in the state.

Ponce is a hardcore Republican and champions the hate speeches of Sarah Palin and with the release of the Nixon-Reagan tapes about African-Americans being monkeys and African countries that don't know how to wear shoes, the GOP has plunged so far headfirst into the great abyss these days and will not recover.  They will have to come up with a new name and platform for the next generations.

So now, we have a "system of the damn" that has been ongoing since 1619-2019.  400 hundred years of launching, murder, hangings, burning of black towns, homes, and churches.  How long will it take for African-Americans to get their faculties together to overthrow these suppressive haters?

When African Americans do not vote -- Donald Trump is what you get.  Every time that Trump has a rally with his base, he also excites the Anti-Trump Base which is just as big and just as loud, which never make the news cycles, but they are there in full regalia. 

As of today, 119 House of Representatives has signed on to impeachment of the president.  Many of the Representatives have already stated that the impeachment inquiry began some time ago, without the name of "Impeachment" on it.

During the second Democratic Debates where Rep. Tulsi Gabbard just tossed US Senator Kamala Harris to the floor as Gabbard blasted away at Harris and throwing her off her game, and leaving her sounding like a broken record.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard takes on Sen. Kamala Harris over her prosecutorial record in California and her record on criminal justice reform, the death penalty, and the war on drugs during the second Democratic presidential debate in Detroit.


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