Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Another Civil War In America is Coming to the Town Where You Live

6 Reasons Why A New Civil War Is Possible And Terrifying

This is important because it's the FBI's job to deal with domestic terrorism, including all those right-wing militias, and they can only do their job if people on the extreme right trust them ... which now that I think about it, sounds like one of the really crappy episodes of Heroes back when it first started to dip into "this sucks" territory. 

Daryl Johnson, a former Homeland Security analyst who specialized in the militia movement, pointed out that "militia members turning on other militia members" is how the FBI gets a ton of its information. 

After the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Bureau started "setting up communications channels" with members of the militia movement "to try and defuse some of the paranoia." But, he added, "Definitely since Ferguson there's been an erosion of public trust in law enforcement in both the far right and far left." 

And as for the public's trust in the American government well, this Pew graph says more than I could without just making fart noises with my mouth.

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