Friday, October 26, 2012

John Sununu - Old and very Tired

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) --John Sununu is a very tired old man.  He's pulling for anything that he can hold on too to make his name count.  He's over the hill and under water.  Sununu's is just as bad as Newt Ginrich after the doctor has told him, to give it a rest.  How racists can one be when you have a white Vice President?  Oh yea, they are color blind.  Joe Biden is orange, or green or red, yellow, skittles or whatever.
Make no mistake: The topic has been a steady undercurrent throughout much of this election cycle. Unfortunately, for the most part, the discussion has been largely confined to ugly insinuations and counter-insinuations. Democrats have repeatedly accused the Romney campaign of using racial “dog whistles” to try to peel off support from working-class whites, while Republicans have complained about what they see as unfair accusations of racism.

One of the most frequent offenders along those lines from Democrats’ point of view, former New Hampshire
John Sununu and Obama: Time to talk openly about race in Election 2012?

Romney co-chair John Sununu called Colin Powell's endorsement of President Obama racially motivated. It shows how talk about race in Election 2012 has been through insinuations and insults.

Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu speaks during a press conference in the Republican National Committee war room situated in the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, N.C., during the Democratic National Convention in Septembe

Is it time to start talking openly about race in the 2012 campaign?

Gov. John Sununu, stirred the pot again Thursday night. Appearing on CNN, the national co-chair for the Romney campaign told host Piers Morgan that he believed Colin Powell’s endorsement of President Obama was essentially based on race.

Are you more (or less) liberal than President Obama? Take our quiz!

Mr. Sununu said: “I think when you have somebody of your own race that you're proud of being president of the United States – I applaud Colin for standing with him.”

He later walked back his comments, issuing a statement saying he believed Mr. Powell’s endorsement was based on “his support of the president’s policies.” But Sununu has previously come under fire for other remarks perceived as having racial implications, such as calling the president “lazy,” and saying he wished he would “learn how to be an American.”

It all raises a larger point, however – that perhaps the time has come (some might say it's way past time) to have a serious discussion about the role race is playing in the campaign.

According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, the 2012 election is, as The Post put it Friday, “shaping up to be more polarized along racial lines than any presidential contest since 1988.” The poll found Mr. Obama is currently losing whites to Mitt Romney by 60 to 37 percent, putting Obama dangerously below the 40-percent mark that most analysts believe he needs to hit among whites in order to win reelection.
By contrast, in 2008, Obama won 43 percent of the white vote (a slightly better performance, it should be noted, than that of John Kerry and Al Gore, who took 41 and 42 percent of whites, respectively). Among nonwhites, Obama appears to be performing at the same level he did in 2008, winning 80 percent.\

While the loss in support among whites puts Obama’s reelection chances in obvious jeopardy, it still may not ultimately be fatal, since he currently appears to be doing somewhat better among whites in some of the states that matter most, such as Ohio. (To put it another way, Obama could be on his way to losing the white vote by historic margins in the South, but that wouldn’t necessarily affect his electoral vote total at all.)

In addition, as many analysts have noted, the white vote has become a steadily smaller share of the electorate, and no one knows exactly what portion of the total it will be this year. If minority turnout is higher than expected, that would obviously help Obama overcome his growing deficit among whites.

Still, in the face of what appears to be an obvious and growing racial divide, in an election featuring the nation’s first black president, it's striking that open discussions of race – and its impact on voting behavior – have been largely missing from the campaign.

On Friday morning, reacting to the new ABC/Post poll, National Journal’s Ron Fournier made exactly this point when he tweeted: “WaPost and others find Obama’s support among white voters eroding. How much of this, if any, related to racial prejudice? Discuss.”

Conservative writer John Podhoretz responded by tweeting back: “Right on schedule. MT @ron_fournier Obama's support among white voters eroding. How much of this, if any, related to racial prejudice?”

We’d wager nearly everyone agrees that an electorate split more sharply along racial lines than at any time in a generation is probably not a healthy state of affairs for the country. Yet it seems almost impossible to talk about the role of race in politics without immediately raising hackles on both sides. That’s a shame.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Anti-Obama hate hits new low? Movie mailed to million voters shows late mom as 'whore'

Tea Party Republicans mailed out a million copies of film to voters in swing states, depicting President Obama%27s mom as a slut. (photo credit: Wikipedia)
A young Barack Obama and his late mother Ann Dunham
The hate has been percolating on the right and extreme right since a man with a white mother and a black father accepted the nomination to be president. The vitriol escalated during his almost four years as president and now that he is running for a second term, the crazy white noise has reached a thundering crescendo.
This latest strategy may be the new lowest of lows though. While Mitt Romney has called on President Obama and his camp to apologize for perceived campaign ills, and wife Ann is demanding the "liberal media" stop piling on her husband, some on their side are wallowing in the deepest, dirtiest of mudslinging--and they think debasing the president’s dead mother is the way to get votes for Romney.
A B-grade documentary/character assassination flick is currently being mailed out to voters in swing states by some Tea Party Republicans. A reported million copies and counting have already hit voters mailboxes in the hope that they could influence decisions come election day.
This “movie” called “Dreams from My Real Father,” produced by Joel Gilbert has reportedly taken aim at President Obama’s late mom, Stanley Ann Dunham, depicting her—there is no other way to put it—as a whore. A bondage-seeking nympho who abandoned young Barack to sleep her away across Asia and Africa and star in porn.
What does defiling our president’s dead mother have to do with voting? Is this desperate, dirty, shameful ploy by some on the right a way to try and win by any means necessary? Do they think that the American people are so soulless, as to view trampling on the memory of a woman who tragically died from cancer, as a way to endear the Good Ole Party to the discerning voter?
But then again, that sort of debasement would only appeal to the debased, to those who already see President Obama through their myopic, twisted, hateful, prejudicial, ignorant prism. Those who hate him will continue to hate him and will certainly take great pleasure in adding this film to their already choke full treasure trove of paranoia and dislike. Those who think he is a Muslim Kenyan, un-American, Socialist, big fat capitalist sympathizer of Wall Street, Marxist, Communist, etc.-- will relish this new sleaze. The birthers must be having a collective orgasm at this “smut-umentary,” masquerading as a legitimate documentary.
If you like to write about U.S. politics and Campaign 2012, enter "The American Pundit" competition. Allvoices is awarding four $250 prizes each month between now and November. These monthly winners earn eligibility for the $5,000 grand prize, to be awarded after the November election.
Read Daily Beast Michelle Goldberg report for more.
VeronicaS is based in New York City, New York, United States of America, and is an Anchor for Allvoices.
Report Credibility

Romney Family Purchases Voting Machines

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- Can you say "Conflict of Interest"? No?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ann Coulter Calls Obama A 'Retard'

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- "Ann Coulter's commentary is about as useful as stepping in dog poop." A comment from a blogger at the Huffington Post.  Well, Ann, I like your earrings.  

Another post included the following, "Name Calling the popular propagan technique used by the right to arouse prejudice by using negative words to create an unfavorable opinion or hatred against a person or group they would have us denounce. 

This method calls for a conclusion without examining the evidence. Name Calling is used as a substitute for arguing against the person's ideas. It is often employed using sarcasm and ridicule in political cartoons and writing. 

When confronted with this technique we should ask the name caller: What does the name mean? 

Is there a real connection between the person's ideas and the name being used? 
What are the merits of the person or theirs idea if I leave the name out of consideration?

Let's separate the name the actual argument agains the ideas or proposals that are being discussed and argued.
Oh, that's right, Coulter actually had no valid arguments or points to be made. She just enjoys calling people names because she has no critical thought process."

Ann sells books.  The networks needs a "fair and balanced" person to give credence to the "otherside" of the argument.  They like Ann because she is a "filed mouthed" person with no regards to anyone or anything.  She burns water, bridges, little children and old people.  Ms. Coulter is trully the wicked witch of the media world.  As they said in the old days, "It does not matter what they say about you, as long as they spell your name correctly, right Ann(e)?"
Ann Coulter called President Obama a "retard" on Monday night.
She made the remark on Twitter after the third and final presidential debate between Obama and Mitt Romney. "I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard," she tweeted. She doubled down on Tuesday afternoon, tweeting, "Obama: "Stage 3 Romneysia" - because cancer references are HILARIOUS. If he's "the smartest guy in the room" it must be one retarded room." Coulter was met with some backlash from people on Twitter, who called the slur "offensive and disrespectful" and asked her, "Are you out of your f-cking mind?" At the end of the debate, voters gave the victory to Obama. The showdown, according to pundits, was notable for how aggressively he attacked his rival and how much Romney seemed to agree with the president.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Assaults on ADAPT members by the Police in Harrisburg



Cassie James Holdsworth, 215 219 0694 Philadelphia PA
Pam Auer, 717 798 2807 Harrisburg PA
Kathleen Kleinmann, 412 916 3135 Washington PA
Bruce Darling, 585 370 6690 Rochester NY

WHO: ADAPT, a national disability rights group is hosting the rally with several partner organizations at the national, state 
and local levels. Partner organizations currently include: statewide groups such as the Disability Rights Network of 
Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Independent Living Council, the Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers Association, Visions for 
Equality, as well as national groups like TASH.

WHAT: A National Rally on Medicaid home and community based services for people with disabilities and seniors. A simultaneous 
rally is also being held in Olympia, Washington.

WHEN: 1 pm EST

WHERE:  Pennsylvania State Capitol, Harrisburg, PA. The rally will be on the fountain side of the Capitol on Commonwealth 

WHY:  Governor Corbett's rollback policies on Medicaid home and community based living are damaging years of careful program 
building for people with disabilities, as well as children and seniors.  Pennsylvania is just one of many states experiencing a 
severe crisis in Medicaid home and community based services funding.  Advocates from across the nation are joining together 
today in Harrisburg to send a message to all state governments, Congress and the White House that Medicaid is critical to 
independence.  Medicaid is a hot button issue during this election season; over 50 million Americans use Medicaid services.  
ADAPT's lead campaign is called My Medicaid Matters, to

About ADAPT:  ADAPT is a national grassroots disability rights group dedicated to fighting for the right of people with 
disabilities to live in their own homes, not nursing homes or institutions.  ADAPT's hosting of this rally builds on three days 
of direct action in Harrisburg focusing on Governor Tom Corbett and Department of Public Welfare Secretary Gary Alexander.  For 
more information, see

Rally Emcees:

Linda Anthony, Rally Coordinator- NATIONAL AND PA ADAPT Member (Harrisburg)
Cassie James-Holdsworth-NATIONAL AND PA ADAPT Member (Philadelphia)

Opening remarks: Linda and Cassie

Speakers Confirmed at this Point:

Kathy Brill
Parent to Parent

Colleen Tomko
Kids Together Inc.

Jean Searle
President of TASH

State Representative Gene DiGeralamo

State Representative Vanessa Lowery-Brown

Judy Banks
Disability Rights Network of PA

Lynn Keltz
PA Mental Health Consumer Association

Mike Eakin
Erie, PA Consumer---uses Medicaid funded home services

Dee Coccia
Visions for Equality

Pam Auer
Not Dead Yet

Daniel Curcio
Direct Care Worker, Consumer Workforce Council

German Parodi
Chairperson Consumer Workforce Council

Cathy Cranston
Direct Care Worker, Advocate

Neal Bisno
President of SEIU Healthcare PA

Josue Rodriguez
National ADAPT Youth Committee Chairperson

Cassie James-Holdsworth
ADAPT Pre-Closing Summary on Needed Action for Medicaid in Pennsylvania

Bruce Darling of Rochester, New York
National ADAPT, will introduce the My Medicaid Matters Campaign

Bob Kafka of Austin, Texas
National ADAPT, My Medicaid Matters Campaign and the Future

FOR MORE INFORMATION on ADAPT visit our website at

Political Party Seeks US Forces Withdrawal, Netizens Unconvinced

The troubled United Progressive Party (UPP) is attempting to revise its position on a number of fundamental points, in particular its controversial policy of calling for the withdrawal of the United States Forces Korea (USFK). However, with infighting between inter-party factions rife, it is still unclear as to how the UPP can move forward. Netizens commenting on the Party Renewal Committee’s (PRC) statement remain unconvinced, with many reacting negatively to the UPP debate over the withdrawal of USFK.
Terms such as ‘Jwapa’ [left-wingers], ‘Jongbook’ [those with a pro-North Korean stance], and ‘Jongmi’ [those with a pro-US stance] appear frequently, suggesting that some netizens are not entirely comfortable with the left-wing party’s central policies. With almost two-thousand netizens making their feelings known when the article was reposted on Daum, the UPP have a considerable task ahead of them if they are to improve the party’s public image in the coming months.
From SBS:

UPP considers revising the full withdrawal of the United States Forces Korea party platform

Recently rocked by the series of scandals involving nomination fraud and the ambiguity over the pro-North Korean stance, the United Progressive Party (UPP) announced that it may drop the ‘withdrawal of the United States Forces Korea (USFK) from the party core platform as a part of the effort to soften the anti-American/pro-North Korean image.
The Party Renewal Committee (PRC) has announced that UPP is seeking to adjust the party stance regarding the United States and North Korea to be more on a par with the average citizen. Park Won-suk, chairman of the PRC, emphasized the need for a more pragmatic approach given the military threat posed by the North Korean regime. In the new party platform published on the 12th this month, the question of the USFK withdrawl was left open, subject to further discussions.
UPP Renewal Committee
Mr. Park concedes that ‘there are some in the party that have called for some revisions to our party platform. We are certainly open to debate on those issues.’ The decision to replace the popular folk songs usually sung at official events with the South Korean national anthem is also on the line.
Park believes that ‘the identity of the progressives cannot be defined by whether or not we sing the National Anthem.’ The former faction-in-power as well as the National Liberation faction is determined to secure the USFK withdrawl clause in the party platform, and that is bound to cause inflammatory debates
USFK in Panmunjum
However, the former faction-in-power made clear that they will not permit any unilateral changes to the party platform, opening up further possibilities for in-party fighting.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tagg Romney Wants to Punch out Obama

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) --  Tagg Romney Wants to Punch out Obama for calling his dad a liar.  Given the atmosphere and the climatic conditions on the political trail.  Lying around the country, its "binders of women", 47 percent of the population, and many many other things. The writer @BobAnderson wrote: I would be much more impressed with Tagg were he to have once worn a uniform instead of "helping his father win the presidency". Seems that avoiding going to war to defend the country they swear up and down they absolutely would die for, isn't in the Romney genes. Easier to ball one's fist up and pretend you are going to defend the indefensible liar father." Sajwert writes, "I sympathize entirely with Tagg. I know just how he feels. Every time I hear his father speak and lie and pretend that his comment about me - one of the 47%ers - was not how he feels, I want to go get a tree limb and pound him into sand." crystalclear9 added to the party, "At least he didn't say 'I wanted to shoot' him No respect for the office of the Presidency at all! You can't blame him really...... He gets it from he's father, last night was all the evidence you need!You can still put forward a sound and firm argument against the President of the United States without coming off as disrespectful and petty! Last night Mitt failed! Mitt has a character problem, I believe! That is something you can't flip flop on so easily!" leftistmenace_1 writes, "Conservatism has always been about humanity's baser emotions of greed, hate, envy, fear, and wrath. This election cycle has definitely brought it out of a lot of them. Just look at the GOP primary debates. Audiences screaming for the death of a fellow American and booing an active duty serviceman while Romney looks on and smirks. Reminds you of the audiences in the Roman Colosseum screaming for blood." mematy writes, "...again, WOW, can we now make THREATS concerning the President of the United Stated and just pass it off as another stupid remark? What is my son had made such a remark, chances are, he would be having his breakfast in a federal holding facility." But I know can't do that, not because I believe that the Secret Service would much care, but that I would probably have to be put into a binder.

A note to Americans from Tagg Romney: You can’t punch the president  because the Secret Service will get you. Mitt’s eldest son said on a radio interview in North Carolina on Wednesday that he didn’t like the way President Obama called his dad a “liar” at the town hall debate. Tagg’s reaction: “Jump out of your seat and you want to rush down to the stage and take a swing at him. But you know you can't do that because, well, first because there's a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because that's the nature of the process."  Tagg’s right, it’s all about democracy or something. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shelby County Election Commission is very Stupid and they Violate Federal Election Laws

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) --  This writer being new to the state, city and county filled out all of the forms required to register to vote.  The dead line was October 8, 2012.  I attempted to register on or about September 25, 2012.  Again, let me remind you that I am new to the state, city and county.  The following reply is what I received back from the Shelby County Election Commission.  

Now can we say that "stupid is, as stupid does?"  Of course, one is not going to find any voting history for me, I'M NEW TO THE STATE.  HELLO!?!?!  I do feel very sorry for these people who call themselves in charge of voting.  

This is a deliberate denial of one's voting rights, and the Federal Election Commission should be called in to review this action.  I have taken the liberty to send a link of this story to the Federal Elections Commission and to my Social Networking news writing associates.  

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

America Loves To Suffer - It's in our "Jeans"

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- We love to suffer.  I believe it's in the Bible. . . "Suffer the little children to come unto me."  We like being bogged down into the pits of hell.  It's no fun, if we are not "crying about something."  The economy is bad, we cry. 

The road to building a better economy is getting better.  We cry, "let's tear it all down and start all over to where the hurt and pain is better for us.  Yet, we cry about that. 

Mitt Romney is delighted that he is a couple of points up over the President, and he gets a chance to tear down the the mission and start all over again. 

We are even going to kill off "Big Bird", because he cost to much money these days, and his little budget will balance the National budget all $450 Million dollars of it. We like that even better. 

We want Romney to tear down everything that we have been through and start all over again going through the pain and sorrow of it all.  And yet, giving our hard earned money to his rich buddies again.  Remember President Cheney, oh. . . I mean Bush and Haliburton?

We love pain.  We love loosing our kids in foreign wars.  We love the idea of starting new wars, and loosing our only kids to bombs and bullets.  It makes us feel better.  We can cry about loosing our kids in a war that we did not like, but what the hell.  It's only our kids, and we can cry about them for the rest of our stupid lives.

When President Clinton was building a better life for each of us, we wanted to tear it all down.  Remember Monica?  The economy was going full blast, two cars in every garage, three chickens in ever pot, eating cake and ice cream to boot.  But that was not good enough for us, it was to comfortable.  We needed chaos in our lives to make us feel better.

I say lets vote for chaos again.  Romney it going to start another war, and your kids will again be at the for-front of the bullets and in sand up to their necks, and the tears from mothers loosing their precious children again, and yes those tears again.

We want to start all over again.  We want to crawl buck naked though miles of broken glass and gasoline again.  We like blood on our hands, because its right. Right?  Yes we are stupid and we know it, and the whole world knows we stupid too.  That's why everyone takes advantage of us, because we are easy. 

The old P-Funk song that was entitled "America Eats Its Young" from the early 1970's really is real.  We eat our young we hot sauce, and we love to suffer the little children.  After all its in our "jeans".

Monday, October 08, 2012

PNY un-Pony's Movie download after two years

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- If you have purchased any PNY portable drives and was offered a free movie, please remember that this offer is only valid for a period of two years after purchase of the drive unit.  We downloaded and watched Ghost Rider for a number of months, before being given the "invalid account" both at and So don't get your hopes up of keeping the file forever, it becomes a "time-bomb" and renders itself invalid with no license to show this video file.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Romney Vs. Obama Debate - No suprises

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) --No surprises here.  It turned out just like everyone predicted it would.  Governor Romney was on the attack as he needed a leg up in this race.  The boost is just for a couple of weeks, that will not translate in the needed votes that he must have to win.

The President's re-action was like why am I up here talking to this guy.  Boring. Boring!  It is hard to get up for a guy that goes around in a circle like a dog chasing his tail.  He at lease had the courage to hang in there for the ninety minutes while Romney believed he was running away with the race.  Romney continued to out talk the moderator and was very un-professional.  This reminded me of how Sarah Palin did with the debates with Vice President Bidden.

One would get excited about this speech, as Romney had the President back on his heels, as it was projected time and time again.  However, this does not mean that at the time of voting, as the jobs rates are improving, and the housing market is getting better, Romney still wants to kill off PBS and Big Bird, and he wants to do  away with ObamaCare, Department of Education, and many other programs in the government that helps everyday and ordinary people.  Mr. Romney never says what he will replace these things with, only tear them down.  He wants to kill off ObamaCare and place our 30 million citizens who are  out of the loop, and keep them out of the loop where they make enough money to just be broke and never can receive any help.  He likes to create jobs just like the ones he has at Staples, where his employees just make over the minimum wage and who can not afford the gas in their cars to get to work.  He calls this a job?  Really?