Sunday, September 30, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Madonna 's rocking the vote—and rocking some controversy
Madonna Calls Barack Obama the "Black Muslim in the White House" During Politically Charged Spiel
Alexis L. Loinaz, eonline
Tue Sep 25, 11:22 PM UTC
Madonna 's rocking the vote—and rocking some controversy while she's at it. (Try not to look so shocked.)
On Monday night, the pop star took the stage in Washington, D.C., where, during a lull between songs, she urged the roaring crowd to reelect President Barack Obama…but not before firing off a head-scratching battle cry.
"So, you all better vote for f--kin' Obama, OK?" she exhorted concertgoers. "For better or for worse, all right, we have a black Muslim in the White House!"
It wasn't clear whether Madge was being earnest or sarcastic or just plain ignorant (E! News has reached out for comment), but the tidbit figured prominently into a cuss-filled, patriotic spiel about trailblazing political leaders, in which she name-checked luminaries like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.
Aside from giving a shout to Obama's historic election—"Now that's the s--t, it means there is hope in this country," she raved—the 54-year-old also praised the president for "fighting for gay rights."
The rant capped off a concert tour already rife with in-your-face political overtones and politicized stunts—she did, after all, incite the ire of a French political party after slapping a swastika onto the forehead of its leader.
But she also combed darker themes throughout the show, including a montage of polarizing figures like Sarah Palin and Pope Benedict XVI, as well as unnerving flashes of gunplay and prisoner torture during songs like "Revolver" and "Gang Bang."
© 2012 E! Entertainment Television, Inc. All rights reserved.,
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Paddle Swings both Ways
MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- We as parents, we forget what corporal punishment really is! Corporal punishment is brutal and just short of drawing blood. Usually, the paddle board is given to the vice principal who is the discipline leader. This person must really love their job.
For the boys, they try very hard to break the paddle. They are less rigid on the girls. Some times you get a teacher who really looses it and they get carried away with the paddle. Most of the time, its three swaps with five to ten second intervals between swaps. Four swaps is on the edge of abuse.
The paddle must be placed squarely on the buttocks area, avoiding the tail bone, which they intentionally try to hit. The excuse for the executioner, is that the paddle slipped, which in many cases has caused serve damage to kidneys, reproductive organs with internal bleeding.
It cases like this, you usually get a child that goes home and get a gun and come back for retaliation against the person who paddled them. Then the story reads that a kid goes nuts and kills the principal and the persons that got them in trouble.-khs
Monday, September 24, 2012
Texas school district to decide on policy after male vice principal spanks girl
But mom says district just covering itself by considering corporal punishment change after administrator paddles daughter so hard it leaves mark.
(Joshua Rhett Miller) -- A Texas mother says a local school district is covering its own rear end by considering a policy change regarding corporal punishment after a male vice principal paddled her daughter so hard it left a nasty mark.
The district in Springtown, just outside of Fort Worth, allows corporal punishment, but only when doled out by a teacher or administrator of the same sex as the student. But when Taylor Santos, 15, allegedly let a classmate copy her homework, Vice Principal Kirt Shaw disciplined the girl with a large wooden paddle, which he swung with a violent, upward motion, according to the girl's mom, Anna Jorgensen.
“She was telling me it was numb and that it burned,” Jorgensen said. “And it looked like a burn. She slept on her side that night. She was more humiliated and embarrassed than anything, but the more she and I thought about it, it wasn’t fair and I thought I needed to do something about it.”
But instead of reprimanding Shaw for the cross-gender blow, the district is considering doing away with the requirement of same-sex spanking. Springtown ISD Superintendent Mike Kelley told that the district’s seven-member board will consider revising the policy at a meeting Monday evening.
“We’ll give the board the option to discuss it,” said Kelley, who declined to provide specifics of the Sept. 19 incident at Springtown High School.
PHOTO CREDIT: Anna Jorgensen
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Saturday, September 22, 2012
William Michael Dillon's redemption songs - Wrongfully imprisoned 27 years for murder
MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- William Dillon will not get one red cent for being falsely accused, because, they said he pleaded guilty to a position of a pill. In America, we call that an injustice where the crime does not fit the sentence. But the State of Florida is fighting it all the way to the United States Supreme Court. They don't want to pay him for the wrong they have put him through. - KHS
William Michael Dillon's redemption songs
Wrongfully imprisoned 27 years for murder, a Florida man has a story to tell in song. An Evanston-based producer is helping him tell it.
October 07, 2010|
By Mark Caro, Tribune reporter
William Dillon was a good kind of jumpy as he prepared to take the stage. He had performed live, but this crowd, unlike prior audiences, wasn't made up of criminals doing time.
In those earlier performances, Dillon was one of them, and yet he wasn't. He'd been convicted of murder without having committed the crime. He made this point from behind bars repeatedly.
For years."I'm ready to get it on, no doubt," said Dillon, 51, who at 6-foot-4 resembles a strapping, more chiseled version of the late comedian Phil Hartman. He wore a black T-shirt with the words "NOT GUILTY" emblazoned on the front. "I mean, I've done this in front of hundreds of 'hardheads.' If you can put on a show for them guys and they cheer for you, then you can make it happen."
At Dillon's side was Jim Tullio, the man who brought him from Florida to Evanston and who would accompany him on acoustic guitar that late-summer night opening for folk singer Tom Paxton at the Evanston nightclub Space. A veteran music producer who has recorded Mavis Staples, Steve Goodman, members of the Band and many others, Tullio, 57, owns a studio in a converted Evanston butcher shop. In a back room above a doorway is mounted a TV screen that Tullio keeps tuned to the Investigation Discovery cable channel.
Taking a break in late May, Tullio glanced up to catch an "On the Case With Paula Zahn" report. Typically Tullio would watch for a couple of minutes before returning to his mixing board, but this story hooked him. It was outrageous, heartbreaking, inspiring — certainly to Tullio, who called the show's producers to try to contact the subject of the report, William Dillon.
What Tullio saw was the story of a 22-year-old man convicted of first-degree murder under bizarre circumstances: He was tied to the crime by an eventually discredited evidence-sniffing dog, a witness who recanted her testimony after admitting she was sleeping with the case's lead detective, and a jailhouse snitch who later admitted he'd fabricated his account of Dillon's confession in exchange for a dropped sexual-battery charge.
Dillon was sentenced to life and moved to Florida State Prison, which houses many of the state's most violent criminals, and within an hour of entering his cell he was sexually assaulted by several inmates.
Twenty-seven years passed, years during which Dillon said he seriously considered suicide. Then DNA evidence finally confirmed what he'd known all along: He had nothing to do with the slaying. In at 22, out at 49. Have a nice life.
Oh, and because at age 19 Dillon had been arrested for having a Quaalude in his pocket — a felony, though he later said he didn't knowingly plead guilty to that offense — Florida declared him ineligible to receive any financial compensation for those lost years.
One way he survived, Dillon had told Zahn, was by writing songs, and now he wanted to record them, perhaps to launch a music career at his relatively advanced age. A light bulb flashed in Tullio's mind.
Amy Weirich, Shelby County District Attorney General carries the Night at VECA Town hall Meeting
By Kenneth Howard Smith
KDTN Radio One Networks
MEMPHIS TN (IFS)-- Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich did not miss a beat when she re-stated her intention to drive down crime in our communities. The VECA meeting was attended by fifty (50) local area residences and VECA members of the Vollintine and Evergreen Community Association (
The Vollintine Evergreen Neighborhood Association's quarterly meeting and potluck this past Friday, September 21, 2012, was attended by DAG Amy Weirich. Also in the meetings were Memphis Police Departments' Lts. Carlos Woods and Gerald Ware who reported on police activities in the community. Under the direction of VECA Board members, Lilly Gilkey, Gloria Singleton, Maric Hendrix and many of the community, it was very informative and a good time by all and the food was very great.
Standing less than 10 feet away and in front of the eager and modest group, DA Weirich in live and living color delivered her war on crime and she stated that she could not do it alone, and needs each and everyone of us to help do our part and be the eyes and ears of the community. Basically, ". . . If you see something, say something. Pick up the phone and make a call to help your neighbor. You have to get involved in your community to help solve these crimes. The days of hiding behind the blinds and "not seeing" anything is long gone."
By being the Shelby County DA, she places herself at the front of the battle along with Memphis' finest who carry the war to the streets on a 24/7 basis without a break. Crime never stops and they find ways to always exploit each and every one of us.
One of the main questions from the group was the war on gangs and gang violence in our streets. The questions lead Lts. Wood and Ware to point out that parents must take up diligence to example what their children are doing. They said, that all rooms in your house belong to you, and you should monitor your children's friends, their habits, their literature, the color of the children's clothes, if they are wearing one color of clothing on an everyday basis too much. If their demeanor changes. Tattoos of gang type drawings, etc.
The meeting started off with Lts. Carlos Woods and Gerald Ware of the Memphis Police Department's burglary division report of what was transpiring in the area. The program of collecting weapons off the street is one of their number one priorities, among others, as mugshots of recently apprehended suspects were displaced among the audience.
Memphis Police also dispelled true and untrue rumors about situations going on in the neighborhoods, and again warned the association to be on the look out for persons, who should be in school, are actually bugulars poising as students and bicycle gangs that do quick hit and run attacks on citizens walking the streets and homes. Police also suggested that video cameras, motion sensor lights and a good dog is a vital offense to deter crime.
Lt. Ware told the audience that with the new technology of GPS from the local cell phone carries, it was easy for parents to place borders as to where children could go and if they kids went beyond those points, then an email or instant telephone call to alert the parents will be triggered to inform them. These services are available now.
It In the last several months, DA Weirich's office has been pursuing the guilty and protecting the innocent in many ways. One area is by pushing for tougher legislation. Several new laws went into effect last week (or will in the coming months) that make our community safer.

In the war on drugs, law enforcement will have quicker access to pharmacy databases, allowing them to get meth makers and prescription drug sellers off the streets sooner. Additionally, combining the war on drugs with our responsibility to protect our children, tougher sentencing is available for those who manufacture meth in the presence of children.
On the roads, those stopped for suspected DUI with prior DUIs or vehicular homicides will not be allowed to refuse a blood test. If you have a child in the car, you have no right to refuse. Third and fourth DUI offenders will have their license suspended for 6 or 8 years respectively. Those convicted of child rape, will face nothing less than 25 years at 100% up to 60 years depending on the defendant’s record.
We have tougher sentencing options for those convicted of drive-by shootings and those parents/guardians guilty of “educational neglect”, i.e., not getting their children to school. Juveniles ages 14-18 convicted of certain violent sexual offenses and found to be at high risk for re-offending, will be placed on a sex offender registry. These are just some of the laws enacted.
A complete listing of the new legislation is available here from the General Assembly website. I am honored to serve as your District Attorney and promise you that my office will continue to pursue those whose mission it is to weaken our community.
KDTN Radio One Networks
MEMPHIS TN (IFS)-- Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich did not miss a beat when she re-stated her intention to drive down crime in our communities. The VECA meeting was attended by fifty (50) local area residences and VECA members of the Vollintine and Evergreen Community Association (
The Vollintine Evergreen Neighborhood Association's quarterly meeting and potluck this past Friday, September 21, 2012, was attended by DAG Amy Weirich. Also in the meetings were Memphis Police Departments' Lts. Carlos Woods and Gerald Ware who reported on police activities in the community. Under the direction of VECA Board members, Lilly Gilkey, Gloria Singleton, Maric Hendrix and many of the community, it was very informative and a good time by all and the food was very great.
Standing less than 10 feet away and in front of the eager and modest group, DA Weirich in live and living color delivered her war on crime and she stated that she could not do it alone, and needs each and everyone of us to help do our part and be the eyes and ears of the community. Basically, ". . . If you see something, say something. Pick up the phone and make a call to help your neighbor. You have to get involved in your community to help solve these crimes. The days of hiding behind the blinds and "not seeing" anything is long gone."
By being the Shelby County DA, she places herself at the front of the battle along with Memphis' finest who carry the war to the streets on a 24/7 basis without a break. Crime never stops and they find ways to always exploit each and every one of us.
One of the main questions from the group was the war on gangs and gang violence in our streets. The questions lead Lts. Wood and Ware to point out that parents must take up diligence to example what their children are doing. They said, that all rooms in your house belong to you, and you should monitor your children's friends, their habits, their literature, the color of the children's clothes, if they are wearing one color of clothing on an everyday basis too much. If their demeanor changes. Tattoos of gang type drawings, etc.
The meeting started off with Lts. Carlos Woods and Gerald Ware of the Memphis Police Department's burglary division report of what was transpiring in the area. The program of collecting weapons off the street is one of their number one priorities, among others, as mugshots of recently apprehended suspects were displaced among the audience.
Memphis Police also dispelled true and untrue rumors about situations going on in the neighborhoods, and again warned the association to be on the look out for persons, who should be in school, are actually bugulars poising as students and bicycle gangs that do quick hit and run attacks on citizens walking the streets and homes. Police also suggested that video cameras, motion sensor lights and a good dog is a vital offense to deter crime.
Lt. Ware told the audience that with the new technology of GPS from the local cell phone carries, it was easy for parents to place borders as to where children could go and if they kids went beyond those points, then an email or instant telephone call to alert the parents will be triggered to inform them. These services are available now.
It In the last several months, DA Weirich's office has been pursuing the guilty and protecting the innocent in many ways. One area is by pushing for tougher legislation. Several new laws went into effect last week (or will in the coming months) that make our community safer.

In the war on drugs, law enforcement will have quicker access to pharmacy databases, allowing them to get meth makers and prescription drug sellers off the streets sooner. Additionally, combining the war on drugs with our responsibility to protect our children, tougher sentencing is available for those who manufacture meth in the presence of children.
On the roads, those stopped for suspected DUI with prior DUIs or vehicular homicides will not be allowed to refuse a blood test. If you have a child in the car, you have no right to refuse. Third and fourth DUI offenders will have their license suspended for 6 or 8 years respectively. Those convicted of child rape, will face nothing less than 25 years at 100% up to 60 years depending on the defendant’s record.
We have tougher sentencing options for those convicted of drive-by shootings and those parents/guardians guilty of “educational neglect”, i.e., not getting their children to school. Juveniles ages 14-18 convicted of certain violent sexual offenses and found to be at high risk for re-offending, will be placed on a sex offender registry. These are just some of the laws enacted.
A complete listing of the new legislation is available here from the General Assembly website. I am honored to serve as your District Attorney and promise you that my office will continue to pursue those whose mission it is to weaken our community.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Brian Banks Signs with Las Vegas Locomotives of the United Football League
MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- The year was 1969, I got a chance to audition for the Denver Broncos, just to make the practice squad and put on a red shirt for the sum of $13,000 per season, before a crushing blindside tackle took me out of the game. The craziest things one remembers, that I was so happy just to get a chance. I did not care even --if I made the squad or not, it was just that chance to try-out among the best players at the time. One year later I was in the trenches of Vietnam. My, my how everything changes. -KHS
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Brian Banks, a one-time high school football star who was recently exonerated in a California rape case in which he was falsely accused, is finally getting a chance to play professional football.
The 26-year-old Banks, a linebacker, is signing with the Las Vegas Locomotives of the United Football League, a move the team confirmed in a statement on Wednesday.
Banks served more than five years in prison following a conviction a decade ago on rape and kidnapping charges. The woman later recanted her claim and offered to help Banks clear his name.
Banks and the Locomotives will announce the signing at a news conference Thursday.
``We're very pleased to be able to welcome this young man to the UFL and give him an opportunity in football that was denied him years ago,'' Locomotives coach Jim Fassel said in a statement.
Banks was trying to land a spot in the NFL and got his first tryout with the Seattle Seahawks. He also received tryouts with the San Diego Chargers and Kansas City Chiefs, and eventually took part in Seattle's minicamp in June. Banks was grateful to Seattle coach Pete Carroll for the opportunity to see where he stacked up against NFL players. Banks had verbally committed to playing for Carroll at USC before Banks' arrest and conviction.
Vince Young is broke - Really?
MEMPHIS TN (IFS) --Let's face it. Vince was never that good. It was a lot of hipe and hot air. I know many good QB's that got passed over by the NFL that would run circles around this guy. It's to bad, these kids are not taught about money and they spend it like its not every going to stop coming. The old saying is that everything changes, if you want it too or not. Gee Whiz Vince, thanks for helping out the economy! -KHS
Vince Young is broke
Posted by Mike Florio on September 18, 2012, 10:44 PM EDT
Six years ago, quarterback Vince Young became the third overall pick in the draft, signing a contract with the Titans that paid him $26 million.
Now, Young is out of the NFL — and out of money.
“I would just say that Vince needs a job,” attorney Trey Dolezal told the Associated Press regarding Young’s financial situation.
Young has sued his former agent, Major Adams, and a financial planner, Ronnie Peoples. Young claims that they misappropriated $5.5 million, via forged signatures and impersonated phone calls and emails. Young also alleges that a $1.7 million lockout loan in 2011 was obtained in his name by Adams and Peoples.
“They conspired to take Vince’s money,” Dolezal said. “It’s that simple.”
Regardless of where the money went, the money is gone. And Dolezal thinks Young was dumped by the Bills because of the financial issues. “I wasn’t in the room when [the Bills] made a decision, but what would you think? It certainly wouldn’t help me if I’m the owner or the head coach knowing all this is going on with Vince and then he goes out and plays poorly,” Dolezal said.
The Bills declined comment on the reasons for cutting him. Regardless of the reason(s), the Bills didn’t want him — and no one else does, either.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Kenneth Howard Smith's Black's Law Dictionary
If you have children going to Law school this year or just need an easier way to read BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY - I have a searchable digital copy for you. In my first days of law school this book costed me $75.00 and by far the most expensive book I have ever purchased to this day. It is also the second best selling book in the United States next to the Bible.
My new searchable edition of Black's Law Dictionary (Unabridged) for your PC, MAC, iPad, etc. It's 1.9 Gig file, so I would like to put this on disk(s) and drop it in the mail for you. One disk will be a DVD or you can choose 3 Disks (CDRs). When you pay with, the email address is . The price is $4.95 includes shipping and handling. Remember to put your name, address, city, state and zipcode. Article number is CKS-993801. Please allow two (2) weeks for shipping.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Friday attack on base was costliest in Afghanistan War
The New York Times
KABUL, Afghanistan
An audacious Taliban attack on a heavily fortified base in southern Afghanistan did far more damage than initially reported, destroying or severely damaging eight attack jets in the most destructive single strike on Western materiel in the 11-year war, military officials said Sunday.
While other attacks have caused greater loss of life, the assault late Friday at Camp Bastion in Helmand Province, one of the largest and best-defended posts in Afghanistan, was troubling to NATO because the attackers were able to penetrate the base, killing two Marines and causing well more than $200 million in damage.
"We're saying it's a very sophisticated attack," a military official in Afghanistan said. "We've lost aircraft in battle, but nothing like this."
The complex attack, which NATO officials said was conducted by three tightly choreographed teams of militants wearing American Army uniforms, was a reminder that the Taliban remain capable of serious assaults despite the "surge" offensive against them. Now the offensive is over, and nearly 10,000 Marines have left Helmand Province, a critical stronghold for the Taliban, over the past several months.
Together with a rash of attacks by Afghan security forces against NATO troops - including two over the weekend that left at least six coalition service members dead - the Taliban have put new pressure on the American withdrawal plan, which calls for accelerated troop pullouts through 2014 while training Afghan forces to take over.
At the same time, tensions with the government flared Sunday as President Hamid Karzai condemned the deaths of Afghan women in airstrikes and criticized the continued American custody of hundreds of Afghan prisoners.
The military investigation into the attack at Bastion is now trying to uncover whether the insurgents had help from inside the camp and whether they were trained or aided by neighboring countries, such as Pakistan or Iran, which have allowed the Taliban to take refuge in their territory. But military officials and Afghan analysts said the insurgents may well have prepared for their mission in significant measure by studying easily available satellite images on the Internet.
When was the Fork In the Road for Bootlegged Records and MP3 Downloads reached?
The History of MP3
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and MP3
By Mary Bellis, Guide
MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- When the money gets really tight and the majors are out like vultures going after every penny they can muster up against those people who "illegally" download music, it's been the same old cry since the days of bootlegged 45's and LP's. Some bootlegs are worth more then the original released albums. Case in point, Glenn Records 1974 release of fapardokly LP featuring Merrell Fankhauser. The English bootleg vinyl goes for an estimated $1,750.00 per copy, where as the original copy goes for $375.00 per copy. And it the old days of the original release by Glenn/UPI Records, the cost of the LP was a mere $3.99 at the local Woolworth store. The price of music changed hands when in 1987 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft released the MP3 compression software, where you could put one song on a 1.44 MB floppy disk at about 32Kbps with some good quality. That was the fork in the road and the game changer. - KHS
The German company Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft developed MP3 technology and now licenses the patent rights to the audio compression technology - United States Patent 5,579,430 for a "digital encoding process". The inventors named on the MP3 patent are Bernhard Grill, Karl-Heinz Brandenburg, Thomas Sporer, Bernd Kurten, and Ernst Eberlein.
In 1987, the prestigious Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen research center (part of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) began researching high quality, low bit-rate audio coding, a project named EUREKA project EU147, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).
Dieter Seitzer and Karlheinz Brandenburg
Two names are mentioned most frequently in connection with the development of MP3. The Fraunhofer Institut was helped with their audio coding by Dieter Seitzer, a professor at the University of Erlangen. Dieter Seitzer had been working on the quality transfer of music over a standard phone line. The Fraunhofer research was led by Karlheinz Brandenburg often called the "father of MP3". Karlheinz Brandenburg was a specialist in mathematics and electronics and had been researching methods of compressing music since 1977. In an interview with Intel, Karlheinz Brandenburg described how MP3 took several years to fully develop and almost failed. Brandenburg stated "In 1991, the project almost died. During modification tests, the encoding simply did not want to work properly. Two days before submission of the first version of the MP3 codec, we found the compiler error."What is MP3
MP3 stands for MPEG Audio Layer III and it is a standard for audio compression that makes any music file smaller with little or no loss of sound quality. MP3 is part of MPEG, an acronym for Motion Pictures Expert Group, a family of standards for displaying video and audio using lossy compression. Standards set by the Industry Standards Organization or ISO, beginning in 1992 with the MPEG-1 standard. MPEG-1 is a video compression standard with low bandwidth. The high bandwidth audio and video compression standard of MPEG-2 followed and was good enough to use with DVD technology. MPEG Layer III or MP3 involves only audio compression.Timeline - History of MP3
- 1987 - The Fraunhofer Institut in Germany began research code-named EUREKA project EU147, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB).
- January 1988 - Moving Picture Experts Group or MPEG was established as a subcommittee of the International Standards Organization/International Electrotechnical Commission or ISO/IEC.
- April 1989 - Fraunhofer received a German patent for MP3.
- 1992 - Fraunhofer's and Dieter Seitzer’s audio coding algorithm was integrated into MPEG-1.
- 1993 - MPEG-1 standard published.
- 1994 - MPEG-2 developed and published a year later.
- November 26, 1996 - United States patent issued for MP3.
- September 1998 - Fraunhofer started to enforce their patent rights. All developers of MP3 encoders or rippers and decoders/players now have to pay a licensing fee to Fraunhofer.
- February 1999 - A record company called SubPop is the first to distribute music tracks in the MP3 format.
- 1999 - Portable MP3 players appear.
What Can MP3 Do
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft has this to say about MP3:"Without Data reduction, digital audio signals typically consist of 16 bit samples recorded at a sampling rate more than twice the actual audio bandwidth (e.g. 44.1 kHz for Compact Discs). So you end up with more than 1.400 Mbit to represent just one second of stereo music in CD quality. By using MPEG audio coding, you may shrink down the original sound data from a CD by a factor of 12, without losing sound quality."
MP3 Players
In the early 1990s, Frauenhofer developed the first, however, unsuccessful MP3 player. In 1997, developer Tomislav Uzelac of Advanced Multimedia Products invented the AMP MP3 Playback Engine, the first successful MP3 player. Two university students, Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev ported AMP to Windows and created Winamp. In 1998, Winamp became a free MP3 music player boosting the success of MP3. No licensing fees are required to use an MP3 player.
More History of MP3
Technology of MP3
Useful MP3 Sites
Sony Music acquires Songwriters Catalog from EMI Music
HOLLYWOOD CA (IFS) — Sony Music has acquired all of the publishing rights from EMI Music of Kenneth Howard Smith and Russell G. Ingersoll’s songwriters catalog. Smith and Ingersoll collaborated on many songs as writers and artists at Motown Records in the 1970′s and 1980′s. Other songwriters that co-wrote songs with the two were, the late Gwendolynn Gordy, the late Lee Rogers Craton, the late Jon Morano, Patrick Posin and Ronnie Dechense. Ingersoll is currently re-working on his “Timeless” CD and other new songs. Smith is presently hosting a radio show in Memphis TN.
Monday, September 03, 2012
KDTN BlogTalk Radio Widget
Listen to internet radio with KDTN Radio One on Blog Talk Radio
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Thanks, Obama Ad
MEMPHIS (IFS) -- It's amazing that when Presidents Bush/Cheny sucked all of the money out of the country to fight a war that they imagined in their minds and overdrew the bank accounts of all the American citizens and killed our credit cards, but they call Obama a jerk for their sins? That bill was not paid off when these guys left office, Obama inherited it along with everyone else. Yet he is blamed with stupid ads using children as this one above, to create lies and deception. This is very sad!
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